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2024-01-28 18:56:17
美[oʊvədrɪŋk]  英[əʊvədrɪŋk]
v.  饮过量


  1. His hands tremble from overdrink. 他的双手因饮酒过度而颤抖。
  2. Do not be greedy for windfalls and overdrink yourself either. 勿贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。
  3. Oneday , in the party they three guys take part in together , they all overdrink , and N and S make love incautious . 如果,真按照我们现实的这种标准去要求所有的受害者去接受所有犯错者的道歉,这才是对受伤害者最大的伤害,因为他们在受害的同时也丧失了最基本的人权。
  4. In addition, must foster the good life style, the no-smoking limits the liquor, maintains the normal sleep, the eat three meals a day cannot overeat and overdrink. 此外,要养成良好的生活方式,戒烟限酒,保持正常的睡眠,一日三餐不能暴饮暴食。
  5. The way or ways in which people relieve their stress are verydifferent: some cry, some laugh, some overdrink themselvessome dance wildly, so onso forth, to namea few. 人们缓解压力的方式确实千差万别:有人痛哭,有人大笑,有人狂饮,有人狂舞,凡此种种,不一而足。
  6. The way or ways that people relieve their stress are very much different: some cry, some laugh, some overdrink themselves and some dance wildly, so on and so forth, to name just a few. 人们缓解压力的方式确实千差万别:有人痛哭,有人大笑,有人狂饮,有人狂舞,凡此种种,不一而足。