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2024-01-28 19:19:17
美[oʊvəˌfɔːl]  英[əʊvəfɔːl]
vt.  袭击(突然落到 ... 头上)
n.  溢水(回浆)


  1. Note: (Y) Show in the type that have grid type and overfall type. 注:型号中带(Y)表示该型号溢流、格子两种形式均有。
  2. Firstly,the self-swash dust catcher with the unique overfall device was adopted to dedust,desulfate and denitrogena... 此类装置还可应用于矿山、化工和建材等领域中的湿法除尘。
  3. The principle, mathematical deduction and applications of a new preset pressure value overfall valve arediscussed. 论述了新型可知设定值式溢流阀的工作原理、数学推理及应用。
  4. The overfall can expand the joints, and the line of air vents can show necklace image. 溢流会造成焊缝区域扩大;而连成线的气孔会显示出线状珠子图像。
  5. This paper introduces the structure, work laws and process of overfall valve and rotate speed control valve in a lately devel oped cleaner. 介绍新研制的一种新型清洗机所采用的调压溢流阀和转速调节阀结构、原理及工作过程。
  6. But when the traffic is inconvenient, the cofferdam only constructed by manpower and needs overfall, traditional styles of cofferdam are unuseful. 而对于交通不便,只能以人力施工为主的地区,且需要短期溢流的临时挡水设施,传统的围堰形式则无能为力。