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2024-01-28 19:22:16
美[oʊvərfiːd]  英[əʊvəfiːd]
v.  给吃得过多;吃得太多
  过去式:overfed  过去分词:overfed  现在分词:overfeeding  第三人称单数:overfeeds


  1. feed excessively


  1. Dont 4)overfeed your cat! Hell become 5)obese. 别让你的猫吃太多!它会变肿胖的。
  2. Also, make sure to not overfeed or over exercise the puppy. 此外,请不要过多喂食幼犬或让它们做过多的训练。
  3. In fact, she added, far too many people are overfeed. 事实上,她加上,更多的人喂的过饱。
  4. We overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends. 我们吃的总是过量,而且喜欢留点特别好的东西给我们的宠物吃。
  5. In fact, she added, far too many people are overfeed (overfed). 事实上,她补充说,有太多的人吃的过多。
  6. Ice-harvester is a kind of the dynamic ice-making, which adopts a new suit of liquid overfeed refrigeration system and don"t use glycol as coolant. 片冰机/冷水机组是动态制冰,采用一套新型的满液式制冷系统,不需要乙二醇做载冷剂。