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2024-01-28 19:33:16
美[əʊvəfʊlfɪl]  英[əʊvəfʊlfɪl]
v.  超过;完成以上


  1. They expect to overfulfil their target. 他们估计可超额完成指标。
  2. They worked double tides to overfulfil their task. 他们日以继夜地工作,争取超额完成任务。
  3. The workers are making effort to overfulfil this years plan. 工人们正在努力超额完成今年的计划。
  4. Ten to one, we shall overfulfil our production plan for this month. 十之八九;我们能够超额完成本月的生产计划.
  5. It is ten to one but well overfulfil our production quota. 它是十比一,但是我们还会完成生产指标。
  6. Predict annual exports total amount to will be achieved this year 107. 700 million dollar, overfulfil plan index. 预计今年全年出口总金额将达到107.7亿美元,超额完成计划指标。