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2024-01-28 19:41:17
美[oʊvəgruː]  英[əʊvəgruː]
vt.  长得太大(生长过度; 长过 ... 的范围)


  1. A scar may overgrow into a ke1oid. 伤痕可能变得过大而成为瘢痕疙瘩。
  2. Face of fabaceous beans overgrow, how can you reduce a point? 豆豆长满脸了,怎么样能减少点呢?
  3. Resistant weeds could quickly overgrow a field, destroying the crop. 它们会迅速长满一块田地,对农作物造成破坏。
  4. In ancient times, a lot of trees, grass, and plants overgrew in this vast land, where our ancestors lived and worked. 远古时代,这里曾经草木茂盛、植物繁茂,中华民族的祖先便在这块广袤的土地上劳作生息。
  5. You did not hear of Han Jiahua to the south of hill 200 cities, overgrow of 100 thousand dorp the wood. 您没听说汉家华山以东两百州,百千村落长满了草木。
  6. I am pregnant now 3 many months, why blain of blain of the overgrow on forehead, have inside brow, is this why ah? 我现在怀孕三个多月了,为什么额头上长满痘痘呀,眉毛里面都有,这是为什么呀?