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2024-01-28 19:58:16
美[ˌoʊvərɪnfleɪtɪd]  英[ˌəʊvərɪnfleɪtɪd]
adj.  过于膨胀的;特大的


  1. This overinflated the urban population of China. 这使得城市人口过分膨胀。
  2. The deal has been done, and not for the overinflated prices quoted in the rags. 交易完成,交易价格不是以前提到的那些。
  3. He baled out of his countrys overinflated property market before that bubble burst. 在他的国家房地产市场泡沫破灭之前,他已经脱身。
  4. How does one deal with the overinflated space between and the false gods and false creators that vie to run ones life? 你如何来处理膨胀的间隔空间以及奋力来操控你生活的虚假神和虚假造物者呢?
  5. Needless to say, it is the unchecked and overinflated government that is causing the mischief. 不用说,正是这个毫无克制、过度膨胀的政府导致了这样的“差错”。
  6. Your ability to evaluate leadership skills....well you obviously have an overinflated value of your own.Did you take business classes at Marquette ? 你显然已经过分的膨大了自己的价值,你在马奎特大学念书时有修过商科么?