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2024-01-28 20:29:17
美[ˌoʊvəmætʃ]  英[ˌəʊvəmætʃ]
v.  优于;胜过;压倒
n.  (比赛中)更强者;(实力悬殊的)比赛
  过去式:overmatched  过去分词:overmatched  现在分词:overmatching  第三人称单数:overmatches


  1. Wisdom is always an overmatch for strength. 智慧总是力量的强敌。
  2. The law that the market competes is overmatch lives. 因此,货源市场的竞争理所当然地成了港埠企业间竞争的焦点。
  3. When you conquer the difficulties, you are the overmatch of life! 当你征服了那些困难,你就是生活的强者!
  4. The strong is not always a winner while the winner is certainly an overmatch . “"强者不一定是胜者,但胜者一定是强者"用英语怎么说?麻烦写一下英文”:
  5. In fact, thoughout the history, globalization is by overmatch dominant. 事实上,从古到今,全球化从来是由强者主导的。
  6. L.Sylla, when he commanded Rome, raised Pompey (after surnamed the Great) to that height, that Pompey vaunted himself for Syllas overmatch. 苏拉,当他为罗马的独裁者的时候,把庞拜(即后来被人称为“伟大的”庞拜者)擢升到很高的地位以至庞拜自诩为苏拉所不及。