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2024-01-28 21:06:16
美[ˌoʊvəprətekt]  英[ˌəʊvəprətekt]
v.  过分地保护
  形容词:overprotective  名词:overprotection  过去式:overprotected  过去分词:overprotected  现在分词:overprotecting  第三人称单数:overprotects


  1. care for like a mother;

    "She fusses over her husband"

  2. protect excessively;

    "Dont overprotect your son--he is an adult now!"


  1. It is not wise to overprotect ones children. 对孩子进行过度保护是不足取的。
  2. At the same time don’t overprotect him from facing his fear. 同时,不要过分地保护他而不让他去直面恐惧。
  3. In Spain one relatively painless reform would be to change the rules for renting out property, which currently overprotect tenants. 西班牙一个相对不那么痛苦的改革将是改变现有过度保护房客的财产出租法规。
  4. Another thing that so common see in our society is overprotect, if we do not let our kid experience the outside world how can they survive? 估计中国十万人中也不会超过50人是同性恋,更别说女人男人都喜欢的那种了,忽然间想起来了那个莎士比亚那个流氓。。。