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2024-01-28 21:16:17
美[əʊvərɪlaɪəns]  英[əʊvərɪlaɪəns]
n.  过度信赖


  1. I sensed the danger inherent in overreliance on a single customer base. 我觉得过度依赖一家客户会有危险,于是着手拓展客源。
  2. Does an overreliance on machine memory shut down other important ways of understanding the world? 是不是太过依赖机器记忆就会让理解这个世界的途径变得狭隘?
  3. Like Japan (see article), it is paying a price for overreliance on export-led growth. 和日本一样,德国正在为其过度依赖出口导向的增长方式而付出代价。
  4. Just reducing Japans overreliance on oil wont be enough to fuel growth for the future. 仅只减少对石油的依赖并不足以推动未来的发展。
  5. But unless they are made, using the old wood of an overreliance on exports wont make for a very seaworthy ship for the world economy. 不过,他们除非这样做,否则,用那些过度出口的“老木头”造出的船将很难在世界经济海洋中畅游。
  6. Lenovo explains its weak performance by citing its overreliance on corporate PCs and its weakness in the consumer market. 联想解释道,业绩不佳,是因为对企业PC市场过于依赖,在消费者市场存在弱点。