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2024-01-28 21:33:16
美[ˌoʊvərsel]  英[ˌəʊvəsel]
vt.  过分吹嘘;售出(货物等)过多
  过去式:oversold  过去分词:oversold  现在分词:overselling  第三人称单数:oversells


  1. He has a tendency to oversell himself. 他爱自我吹嘘。
  2. It is better to oversell yourself. 最好把自己超卖了!
  3. I still dont want to oversell these. 我不想说的太多。
  4. Please, dont oversell me to them! 请别过分夸耀我。
  5. Stay focused and don’t try to oversell your capabilities. 保持专注而不要尝试过份吹嘘你的能力。
  6. Limits the bare oversell the stipulation to become effective in the same day. 中川表示,与欧美相比,日本此举已经晚了一步。