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2024-01-28 21:34:17
美[ˌoʊvəset]  英[ˌəʊvəset]
v.  翻倒;推翻;使失败
  过去式:overset  过去分词:overset  现在分词:oversetting  第三人称单数:oversets


  1. Theres a bus overset on the road. 路面上有一辆倾覆的公共汽车。
  2. The news is sure to overset him. 这条消息必定会使他心神不安。
  3. The news is sure.to overset him. 这条消息必定会使他心神不安。
  4. Each roundabout always can produce collision, van overset, horses be frighted. 每一个交叉路口总会发生碰撞,货车翻倒,马匹受惊。
  5. Overmaster Typeset matter which is too long to fit the space specified and so must be cut. Also called Overset. 超量字行排字后,字行较预期多,现有篇幅不能容纳而需舍弃的多余字行。
  6. Having neither sail, oar, or rudder, and the least cap full of wind would have overset all my navigation. 因为一没帆、二没桨、三没舵,只要有点风,就会把木排打翻在海里。