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2024-01-28 21:58:17
美[oʊvərspɪl]  英[əʊvəspɪl]
n.  溢出; 溢出物; <英>过剩人口迁移
  过去式:overspilled/overspilt  过去分词:overspilled/overspilt  现在分词:overspilling  第三人称单数:overspills


  1. the relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns
  2. the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity


  1. New towns were designed to house Londons overspill. 新的城镇是为容纳伦敦的过剩人口而兴建的。
  2. It also operates a special bus on busy days which takes customers to and from its overspill car-park. 在游客高峰日,这里还设立了专门的巴士在停车场接送顾客。
  3. The article offers new definition to agricultural overspill, put forward to be mixed absolutely opposite agriculture is superfluous person.. 本文对农业过剩人口给予新的定义,并提出了绝对的和相对的农业过剩人...
  4. The weight of these tubes holds the protective layer in place, while the gaps between the tubes permit the overspill to escape. 这些装满水的管子的重量足以固定住这些保护层,漫出堤坝的河水可以在粗管间溢过。
  5. The great colonial movement of Greece during BC 8 to 6 resolved the problem of populations overspill, simultaneously exploited overseas markets, and incited the commercial trade of Greece. 摘要公元前8至前6世纪希腊的大殖民运动不仅解决了人口过剩问题,同时也开拓了海外市场,刺激了希腊商业贸易的发展。
  6. Mexican ports and more northerly west coast terminals, such as Seattle and Vancouver, have also absorbed some overspill but analysts said they were not big enough to solve the crisis. 墨西哥的各个港口以及西雅图、温哥华等几个偏北的西海岸港口也已吸纳了一些过剩货物,但分析师表示,这些港口吞吐量还不够大,不足以解决这场危机。