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2024-01-28 22:55:17
美[oʊvəweɪ]  英[əʊvəweɪ]
v.  重于 ...; 价值超出 ...; 压倒
  过去式:overweighed  过去分词:overweighed  现在分词:overweighing  第三人称单数:overweighs


  1. How should I pay for the overweigh luggage? 超额行李费多少钱?
  2. As a whole, harms overweigh benefits. 总的来看清代城居地主兴起弊大于利。
  3. In America,33% of them overweigh. 在美国,33%25的人超重。
  4. To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks. 我认为,优点胜过缺点。
  5. Do you think if its benefits overweigh the drawbacks? 如果您发现侵犯您的权益,请即时通知,本站将立即删除!
  6. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages. 育龙网核心提示: There is some truth in both arguments.