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2024-01-28 23:05:16
美[ˌoʊvəwaʊnd]  英[ˌəʊvəwaʊnd]
vt.  卷得太紧


  1. Now, in the reaction, he was running down like an overwound clock. 此刻,由于反作用,他象一架发条上得太紧的时钟一样精疲力竭了。
  2. Overwind height is an important parameter in the design of hoist. 提升机设计中,过卷高度是一重要参数。
  3. He tends to overwind his watch. 他往往把手表发条卷得太紧。
  4. If overwind height is too small,the safety of hoisting should be influenced. 过卷高度取值过小,影响提升的安全性;
  5. This paper introduces the improving process of overwind and automatic speed reducting gear for mine hoist. 介绍了矿用提升绞车过卷及自动减速装置改进的过程。
  6. Here are expounded the basic principles of pointwise and enveloping ways to monitor speed to avoid serious overwind of a hoist reel and their correct usage. 阐述采用速度逐点监视和包络线监视防止矿井提升机严重过卷的基本原理及应用。