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2024-01-28 23:06:17
美[oʊvəræp]  英[əʊvəræp]
n.  (香烟、面包等的)透明外包装纸


  1. Overwrap protects and extends the shelf life of the chocolates within. 外包装保护和延长保质期的巧克力内。
  2. The overwrap around the carton is crimp-sealed on two ends and has a back fin-seal much like a pack used for cookies. ”周围的外包装纸箱是卷曲密封的两个目的,并有回鱼翅密封很像一包用于饼干。
  3. The consumer removes a film overwrap, then takes a tamper-evidence tear strip off the top of the sliding door. 消费者消除了电影外包装,然后采取篡改证据催泪脱离顶部的滑动门。
  4. He added that patterns printed onto the overwrap would not necessarily need to be in register with the pack beneath, although that was a possibility. 他说,印模式的外包装上不一定会必须在注册包下面,虽然这是一个可能性。
  5. Overwrap the patch (the hose will be under intense pressure) from 2 to 3 in. above the original piece to about 2 or 3 in. below, then work your way back (C). 再把胶带缠绕在管子上2到3道(保证管子的内压),把先前缠绕的部分覆盖住,然后重复一次,如图C。
  6. Sun Chemical and two partners have developed a technique of printing and embossing onto overwrap film that allows standard packs to be customised for promotions or seasonal offers. 太阳化学公司和两个伙伴已经开发出一种技术,印刷和压花膜外包装上,使包装标准将定制的促销或季节性提供。