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2024-01-28 23:40:17
美[ɒvjʊlətərɪ]  英[ɒvjʊlətərɪ]
adj.  产卵的
sp.  排卵的.


  1. Ovulatory dysfunction is a major cause of sterility. 排卵功能障碍是造成不孕的一个主要原因。
  2. All these are the major causes of ovulatory dysfunetional sterility. 以上均为排卵功能障碍性不孕的主要病机。
  3. Nine infertile women were dynamically observed by ultrasound B.Eachwoman was observed for two ovulatory cycles. 用实时超声动态监测9例不孕妇女卵泡发育及排卵,每例监察2个排卵周期,其中3例无排卵周期妇女在B超监测下实行药物诱导治疗。
  4. It is characterized by a normal ovulatory cycle interspersed with anovulatory cycles. 其特征是在正常的有排卵周期中散在着无排卵周期。
  5. ObjectiveExplore the curative effect of Chinese drug and Clomiphene on dysfunctional ovulatory acyesis(DOA). 探讨用中药加克罗米酚治疗排卵功能障碍性不孕的疗效。
  6. Abstract: Objective To evaluate the response of ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding to different progestins. 摘 要: 目的评价不同孕激素治疗有排卵型功能性子宫出血的临床效果。