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2024-01-29 00:01:16
美[oʊnəlɪs]  英[əʊnəlɪs]
adj.  无主的


  1. having no owner


  1. What a lot of ownerless dogs there are here ! 这儿无主的狗真多呀!
  2. Do you think it would go ownerless in space? 你认为在太空地球会无主吗?
  3. The first nullius can obtain ownership when it is ownerless. 无主物先占人可取得所有权。
  4. Original acquisition comprises making things, taking possession of ownerless things. 原始取得包括造物,占有无主物。
  5. The application shall clearly state the type and quantity of the property and the grounds on which the application for determining the property as ownerless is filed. 申请书应当写明财产的种类、数量以及要求认定财产无主的根据。
  6. And the transformation undergone three building, the current outlook remaining two former hotel apartments and shops choice Square "blossoms ownerless. 经历了前后三期的改造建设后,目前仅存观前酒店公寓和玄妙广场两处商铺“名花无主”。