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2024-01-29 01:15:16
美[ɒksɪfɪl]  英[ɒksɪfɪl]
n.  [医]嗜酸细胞;嗜酸细菌
adj.  嗜酸的


  1. Note the pink oxyphil cells here. 可见粉红色的甲状旁腺嗜酸性细胞。
  2. Benign tumor: 1 was oxyphil cell tumor. 良性肿瘤:嗜酸细胞瘤1例。
  3. Adjacent to this parathyroid adenoma is a rim of normal parathyroid tissue (with a pink oxyphil cell nodule) at the upper right, and a small benign parathyroid cyst (an incidental finding) is at the upper left. 右上邻近甲状旁腺腺瘤的是正常甲状旁腺组织(粉红色甲状旁腺嗜酸性细胞结节)的边缘,在左上是一个小的良性甲状旁腺囊肿(意外发现)。
  4. Keywords oxyphil cell adenoma;parotid neoplasms;immunohistochemistry; 嗜酸性细胞腺瘤;腮腺肿瘤;免疫组化;
  5. oxyphil cell adenoma 嗜酸性细胞腺瘤
  6. cortical oxyphil adenomas 皮质嗜酸性腺瘤