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2024-01-29 01:54:16
美[ˌpiːeisiː]  英[ˌpiːeisiː]
abbr.  政治行动委员会(=political action committee)


  1. committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates


  1. The pac xngs arep in good dbadcorder. 包装完好无损(破损)。
  2. The PAC held 18 public hearings and 35 meetings during the period. 委员会在该段期间曾进行18次公开聆讯,并举行35次会议。
  3. The PAC held 27 public hearings and 36 meetings during the period. 委员会在该段期间曾进行27次公开聆讯,并举行36次会议。
  4. Some modularization patterns include the MVC and PAC model. 一些模块化设计模式就包含MVC和PAC模式。
  5. Ive been playing Pac Man at the Arcade in the student union. 男:我一直在学生中心电子游乐场玩“帕克曼”电脑游戏。
  6. The only pac kage I found that offered such features was Metabase. 我发现提供这样的功能的唯一的一个 包是 Metabase。