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2024-01-29 02:11:17
美[ˌpækɪsændrə]  英[ˌpækɪsændrə]
n.  富贵草属长青地被植物


  1. any plant of the genus Pachysandra; low-growing evergreen herbs or subshrubs having dentate leaves and used as ground cover


  1. I used a lot of plants like holly and pachysandra and planted that around my garden. 我园子周围种着冬青木和富贵草之类的植物。
  2. Many perennial ground cover plants, such as ivy, periwinkle, pachysandra, mondo grass and liriope, will cover the soil and act as a mulch. 许多多年生地被植物如常春藤、蔓长春、富贵草等等,能够形成良好的地面覆盖效果。
  3. Any of several plants of the genus Pachysandra, especially the evergreen P. terminalis native to Japan, having toothed leaves and inconspicuous white unisexual flowers. 富贵草这一种类的任一种植物富贵草属尤指长青的富贵草属产自日本,有齿形叶子和不起眼的雌雄异体的花
  4. A perennial herb (Pachysandra procumbens), native to the southeast United States and sometimes grown as an ornamental or ground cover for its usually mottled leaves. 平铺富贵草:原产于美国东南部的一种多年生草本植物(平卧板凳果属),由于生有斑驳的叶子,有时作为观赏植物或地被植物而被种植
  5. Pachysandra axillaris Franch. 板凳果
  6. Japanese pachysandra herb with root 雪山林