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2024-01-29 02:12:16
美[pækɪˌtiːn]  英[pækɪtiːn]
sp.  [生]n.;粗线期(指细胞减数分裂前期的第三期;其间配对的染色体变粗并分裂成染色单体)


  1. the third stage of the prophase of meiosis


  1. SCs starts appears at diplotene.Twenty-eight SCs are formed during pachytene. SC的形成起始于偶线期,成熟于粗线期,消失开始于双线期。
  2. In meiosis, the association of four homologous chromatids seen during the pachytene stage of prophase. 减数分裂前期的粗线期中,四个同源的染色单体向联系形成的结构。
  3. Prophase may be divided into successive stages termed leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis. 前期可被分为连续的阶段:细线期、偶线期、粗线期、双线期和终变期。
  4. Cable speeds paragraph 99, sub-paragraph 10 of peeling speed settings, or thread can make pachytene stable production. 拉线速度分99段,剥皮速度分10段设定,能使粗线或细线均能稳定的生产。
  5. The EB(Essential Balm)method was adopted to study,the G-bands and macrocoilson the maize pachytene chromosome. 用风油精活体诱导玉米花粉母细胞粗线期染色体G带和螺旋的结果表明。
  6. Baimiao use practices drawn King, requested by the author Mr T for pachytene sketches, composed of vivid images. 使用白描手法绘景时,要求作者用简笔作粗线勾画,组成生动的画面。