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2024-01-29 03:31:17
美[peɪdʒ]  英[peɪdʒ]
n.  页;页码;侍从
vt.  给 ... 标页码
vi.  翻页
  名词:pageful  过去式:paged  过去分词:paged  现在分词:paging  第三人称单数:pages


  1. 听差,服务员,男侍者
  2. <罕>青年侍从
  3. 专页,专栏
  4. 侍童,小听差,小侍从
  5. 佩奇(音译名)
  6. 【印】一页版面
  7. 【计】网页
  8. 王室侍从官员
  9. 佩基(音译名)
  10. <书>时期
  11. 大事件
  12. <书>记载,记录
  1. 喊叫寻找,侍者叫名找(人)
  2. 侍候,给...当听差,给…当侍从
  3. 给...标页数,标记...的页码
  4. 【无线电】用无线电讯号与(某人)联系
  5. 广播叫(人)
  6. 翻阅,浏览
  7. 用传呼机传呼
  8. 翻…的书页
  9. 逐页处理


  1. [C][U]页; 张 one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc.; this sheet of paper itself
  2. [C]〈文〉重要事件 sth which might be written about in a book, etc., such as an important event or period
  1. vt. 标记…的页数,翻页 number the pages of (a book, newspaper, etc.); turn aside pages
  2. vt. 喊出名字以寻找 call aloud for (sb who is wanted for some reason), especially through a loud-speaker


  1. one side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains
  2. English industrialist who pioneered in the design and manufacture of aircraft (1885-1962)
  3. United States diplomat and writer about the Old South (1853-1922)
  4. a boy who is employed to run errands
  5. a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings
  6. in medieval times a youth acting as a knights attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood
  1. contact, as with a pager or by calling somebodys name over a P.A. system
  2. work as a page;

    "He is paging in Congress this summer"

  3. number the pages of a book or manuscript


  1. add a new page to history给历史增添新的一页
  2. continue on page 48下接第48页
  3. cover three pages占三页篇幅
  4. devote five pages用五页的篇幅来写
  5. go through pages of magazine翻阅某杂志
  6. jump three pages略去三页不读
  7. set page装上纸,排版
  8. tear pages撕页
  9. turn page翻页
  10. turn page over翻过此页
  11. turn down page折页
  12. turn to page 10翻到第10页
  1. blank pages空白页
  2. colourful page丰富多彩的一页
  3. congressional page议会中的侍者
  4. consecutive pages连续页
  5. editorial page社论专页
  6. every page每一页
  7. fat page空白多的版面
  8. frayed pages磨边的书页
  9. front page头版
  10. full page整页,没有空白的版面
  11. glorious page光荣的一页
  12. inside pages内页
  13. loose pages散页
  14. much-frequented page翻阅多次的书页
  15. previous page前页
  1. advertising page广告栏
  2. amusement page娱乐专栏
  3. hotel page旅馆的侍者
  4. news page新闻栏
  5. society page社会专栏
  6. sport page体育专栏
  7. title page标题页,扉页,书名页
  1. between 9th and 10th pages第9页和第10页之间
  2. bottom of page页的下端
  3. top of page页的上端
  4. on page 44在44页上
  5. on back page在封底上
  6. on every page在每一页上
  7. on inside page在内页上
  1. page over借助…呼叫某人
  1. page the book标书页
  1. page up排好页码


  1. There are several faults in the page of figures.那一页的数字中有几个差错。
  2. Open your German readers at page 28.把德语课本翻到第28页。
  3. The page number is shown at the foot of the page.在页脚处可以看到页码。
  1. When the book is ready for printing,someone has to page it up.书在付印前,必须有人排好页码。
  1. He tore the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page.他匆忙翻页的时候,把杂志都撕坏了。
  2. Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。


    page的基本意思是“页”,指书刊、杂志等的一页或报纸等的一版,也可指纸的一张,还可指报纸的“专页”。 page也可指可写入书中的历史事件或时期。
    page用作动词的意思是“标记…的页数”或“翻页”。 page也可作“呼叫…”解,指在公共场所通过扩音器呼喊找人。 page是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


  1. 请按第五页上所列的东西进食。

    Eat the things listed in〔at,to〕 page 5, please.

    Eat the things listed on page 5, please.



    Please turn your books on page 101.

    Please turn your books to page 101.

    Please open your books at page 101.

    Please open your books to page 101.
