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2024-01-29 04:15:16
美[peɪzli]  英[peɪzli]
n.  Paisley.
adj.  佩斯利织物的
sp.  佩斯里(苏格兰西南部一城市)


  1. a soft wool fabric with a colorful swirled pattern of curved shapes


  1. An article of clothing made of paisley fabric. 用佩斯利织物制成的衣物
  2. Thanks to tomatoeggs, and thanks to paisley, too. 还是你打的分啊?
  3. Look, what a beautiful paisley suit she is wearing! 你看她那身派力司的套裙,多好看!
  4. You shimmer in flowery dresses, and paisley ties are a must for male Bulls. 当然,一定别忘了搭配一些像项链和丝巾/带这样的装饰物哦,它们最能将你的颈部线条勾勒地优美有型了。
  5. The Rev Ian Paisley speaks to reporters at Stormont Castle, Northern Ireland. 北爱尔兰,在Stormont城堡,RevIanPaisley在对记者讲话。
  6. Mr Paisley says that he will "not be found wanting" if the republicans match their fine words with deeds. 佩斯利说,即使共和党人只说空话,他"不会指望什么"。