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2024-01-29 04:21:17
美[pɑːkɪhɑː]  英[pɑːkɪhɑː]
n.  <新西兰>白种人(尤指祖先是欧洲人的新西兰人)


  1. Maori calls White people as "pakeha" in NZ, which means white man from Europe, especially from UK. 毛利人称呼白人为"非毛利族血统的人"的人,意谓来自欧洲的白人,尤其从英国来的白人。
  2. The “pakeha” started to arrive in New Zealand from Europe about 200 years ago as farmers and traders. 所谓的“白人”大约在200年前从欧洲来到新西兰,当农民或者商贩。
  3. I was pretty sure that when he asked me in such way he had already had his own idea that pakehas dick is generally bigger than Chineses ones. 我很清楚,问话者其实早就已经在心里认定,洋人的家伙就是比中国人的大了。