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2024-01-29 04:45:16
美[pælətl]  英[pælətl]
n.  颚音
adj.  腭的;腭音的


  1. a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word `yeast)
  1. relating to or lying near the palate;

    "palatal index" "the palatine tonsils"

  2. produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as `y) or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as `ch in `chin or `j in `gin)


  1. To pronounce as or alter to a palatal sound. 发成颚音或变成颚音
  2. To pronounceas or alter to a palatal sound. 发成颚音或变成颚音。
  3. This is an unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate. 舌面不送气清擦音。
  4. An aspirated voiceless palatal affricate. 舌面送气清塞擦音。
  5. Velar, as in c in cake or g in log, as opposed to palatal or soft. 硬音的与软音或软腭音相反的硬腭音,如cake(蛋糕)一词中c的发音或log(原木)一词中g的发音
  6. Velar,as in c in cake or g in log,as opposed to palatal or soft. 硬音的与软音或软腭音相反的硬腭音,如cake(蛋糕)一词中c的发音或log(原木)一词中g的发音