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2024-01-29 05:12:16
美[ˌpeɪlɪəbɒtənɪ]  英[ˌpeɪlɪəbɒtənɪ]
n.  古植物学
  形容词:paleobotanic  副词:paleobotanically  名词:paleobotanist


  1. the study of fossil plants


  1. The potential for paleobotany in the explanation of Chinas plant geography. 古植物学在解释中国植物地理上潜力.
  2. Sometimes the subject is divided into paleobotany, the study of fossil plants, paleozoology, the study of fossil animals, and PALEOECOLOGY. 有时将古生物学分为古植物学(植物化石研究)、古动物学(动物化石研究)以及古生态学。
  3. The cuticular analysis of leaf compression fossils has been an important subject in paleobotany all through. 载有气孔的叶角质层,包含着植物与其生活环境之间关系的重要数据(McElwain et al.
  4. This site offers antiquarian and second hand literature (books, offprints etc) on geology, paleobotany, and paleozoology.Online ordering is possible. 该站点提供了与地质学、古生物学、古动物学等学科相关的古文物收藏家及古文物(古书籍、绝版文献等)信息。
  5. Phytolith plays an important role in the study of paleobotany and paleo-environment because of its small,high yield,and its ability of anti-erosion and high-temperature resistant. 泥炭地作为环境变化的敏感带,成为当前环境气候研究的热点之一。
  6. Phytolith plays an important role in the study of paleobotany and paleo-environment because of its small, high yield, and its ability of anti-erosion and high-temperature resistant. 摘要泥炭地作为环境变化的敏感带,成为当前环境气候研究的热点之一。