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2024-01-29 05:23:16
美[ˌpeɪlɪoʊdʒɪɒgrəfɪ]  英[ˌpeɪlɪəʊdʒɪɒgrəfɪ]
n.  古地理学


  1. the study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs


  1. Sedimentary thickness isoline graph, litho facies paleogeography graph and paleocurrent rose graph were plotted. 编制了沉积厚度等值线图及岩相古地理图;
  2. The paleogeography of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic of China can be reconstructed based on the paleomagnetic data. 早侏罗世中期,开创了新特提斯演化的历史。
  3. In addition, this paper discusses the paleogeography of the early Tertiary in the Jiyang depression. 最后对各时期的沉积相在平面上的展布进行了讨论。
  4. Wang Hongzhen. 1985. Atlas of the paleogeography of China.Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 王鸿祯主编.;1985
  5. On the basemnent above ,we renew the lithofacies paleogeography about the research area by profile correlation of faces and thickness analysed. 在此基础上,通过相剖面对比及沉积厚度分析,再现了研究区马家沟各期岩相古地理面貌。
  6. Therefore,the study of the lithofacies paleogeography of Majiagou Age in Ordos has important significance in both geological theory and production. 因此,鄂尔多斯奥陶纪岩相古地理研究有重要的地质意义和生产实践意义。