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2024-01-29 05:53:17
美[pɔːlfrɪ]  英[pɔːlfrɪ]
n.  骑用的马;妇女骑用的小马


  1. <古>驯马
  2. 骑用的马
  3. 供乘骑的马
  4. 妇女骑用的小马
  5. 小马
  6. 帕尔弗里(音译名)


  1. especially a light saddle horse for a woman


  1. Deborah Palfrey said her now-defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service". 该女子名叫DeborahPalfrey,她说这个卖淫团伙名叫“性爱梦幻服务”,现已被捣毁。
  2. Debora Jeane Palfrey, the accused "D.C. Madam," requested the court to replace her lawyer Thursday. 估计大卫的律师打过电话了,现在她要求换律师了。
  3. As they went Little John came up beside his leader, who walked by the white palfrey talking to Marian. 当他们走着时,小约翰走向前他的领袖旁,罗宾正走到马旁跟玛丽安说话。
  4. With a curse, Guy dropped the palfreys rein, drew his sword, and spurred at the lone figure just as. 但是没有任何随从敢动,因为罗宾另一枝箭上了弦,自从诺丁汉比武会之后,人们知道他从不失手。
  5. Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found hanging in a shed near her mothers Florida home this morning. 警方表示,她的尸体是今天早晨在她佛罗里达州母亲家中储藏室发现的。
  6. Palfrey pleaded guilty to pimping charges in 1991 and was sentenced to 18 months in a California prison. 骑用的马辩护有罪的至很小的费用在 1991 年和是宣判对在加州中的 18个月监狱。