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2024-01-29 06:08:16
美  英
n.  雅典娜(希腊女神)


  1. (Greek mythology) goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare; guardian of Athens; identified with Roman Minerva
  2. a large asteroid; the second asteroid to be discovered


  1. Or Pallas you or first among the Graces. 你或是雅典娜,或是众多格雷斯中第一人。
  2. Pallas long-toungued bat flies through the air. 一只帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠在空气中飞行。
  3. The reminine of ancient Romans wore stola and palla. 古罗马女性主要穿着“斯多拉“和“帕拉”。
  4. There are about 13000 pallas pit viper ( Agkistrodon halys)in Snake Island. 前者为渤海上一个岛屿,目前有13000多条黑眉蝗蛇在岛上活动;
  5. Cyphogenia aurita(Pallas,1781) is newly recorded from West Xinjiang,China. 发现我国一新纪录种: 短脊砚甲S.;aurita (Pallas;1781)。
  6. Pallas is wisdom goddess, the name of Greek capital Athens from this and come. 在古希腊旺盛时侯制造的这具玩具小孩的原作现保存在希腊趼古博物馆。