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2024-01-29 06:11:17
美[pælət]  英[pælət]
n.  简陋的小床;托盘


  1. the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
  2. a portable platform for storing or moving goods that are stacked on it
  3. a hand tool with a flat blade used by potters for mixing and shaping clay
  4. a mattress filled with straw or a pad made of quilts; used as a bed
  5. board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used


  1. We fixed a pallet in the kitchen for Nancy.我们在厨房替南希搭了个铺。
  2. Pallet manufacturers have been doubly impacted by the current recession.托盘制造商已经被现在的萧条双倍打击。
  3. Steel pallet divides into power coated steel pallet or galvanizes steel pallet.钢托盘分为镀锌钢托盘及喷涂钢板托盘。