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2024-01-29 06:42:16
美[pɑːmɔɪl]  英[pɑːmɔɪl]
n.  棕榈油


  1. Palmoil is another case in point. 棕榈油也是一个关注的焦点。
  2. Malaysian palmoil futures set a new record, mostly mirroring gains in energy markets and US soyaoil. 欧盟大部分地区种植条件良好,独联体国家的小麦作物已进入越冬期,长势良好;
  3. The Chinese government will allow only large scale firms to import soyoil, palmoil and rapeseed oil in 2006 when it scraps import quotas on the three edible oils, industry officials said last week. 行业官员上周说,在2006年中国取消豆油、棕榈油及菜籽油的进口关税之后,中国政府将只允许大型公司进口这三种食用油。
  4. plantation crops such as rubber, palmoil, cotton and wool. (4)糖、可可、咖啡和茶等软性产品;
  5. palmoil chop 棕榈油烧肉