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2024-01-29 07:03:17
美[pælpəs]  英[pælpəs]
n.  触须


  1. Does the thyroid gland poison if palpus use resists? 是否须用抗甲状腺药?
  2. Methods Identifying the subtile structure of palpus and female s spermathecae. 方法触须、受精囊等细微结构的鉴别方法。
  3. Sensilla trichodaein was the sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus of the ladybird. 下颚须末节上的感受器为毛形感受器;
  4. Lucullan breakfast palpus tradition dietary habit is already abandoned by more and more many people. 早餐须丰盛的传统饮食习惯已为越来越多的人所抛弃。
  5. D. catalinae had more sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus than that on the labial palpus. 下颚须上感受器的数量均远远多于下唇须上感受器的数量。
  6. The male palpus is simplified, having only a single central tegular process, probably the conductor. 雄蛛触肢简单,仅具一个中瓦状中突,可能是引导器。