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2024-01-29 08:45:16
美[pæŋɡə]  英[pæŋɡə]
n.  短刀之一种


  1. a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a weapon or for cutting vegetation


  1. Whakatika, kaua matou e panga tonutia. 求 你 兴 起 , 不 要 永 远 丢 弃 我 们 !
  2. They were alone in the cruellest way: they often saw big ships in the distance, but their panga was too small to be seen. 最令他们绝望的是,许多次,他们与获救机会擦肩而过。命运以最残酷的方式和他们开了玩笑:他们经常远远地看见大船经过,但是他们的小渔船“潘嘎”太小了,无法被发现。
  3. One of the guides took his panga, a broad hooked blade about eighteen inches long, and cut me a walking stick.I suppose it helped, but already I was getting beyond caring. 一个向导拿出大砍刀来,这是一种刀片很宽、一头呈钩状的约十八英寸长的刀子,给我砍了一根拐杖,想来这有点用,不过此时我已经什么都觉得无所谓了。
  4. Qing Xia;Wei Panga;Zuo-Li Xiab;Ski-Gong Zhua a Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology;Peking University Health Science Center;Beijing 100083; 北京大学医学部生理与病理生理学系;