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2024-01-29 10:56:16
美[pæpɪloʊədiːmə]  英[pæpɪləʊədiːmə]
n.  [医]视神经乳头水肿


  1. Clinical symptoms of these meningiomas mainly were headache, nausea, light Vomiting,papilloedema and disfunction of limbs. 临床表现主要有头痛、恶心、轻度呕吐、眼底水肿和肢体功能障碍。
  2. Background Intracranial hypertension is a very commonly syndrome mainly presented with headache, vomiting, papilloedema. 背景颅内压增高是很常见的临床综合症,主要临床表现为头痛、呕吐、视乳头水肿等。
  3. Seven of 15 patients had mild papilloedema, five had fully papilloedema, and the optic discs in other three cases were normal. 5例完全视乳头水肿,其中4例(5只眼)有视乳头边缘或附近视网膜前的小片出血。
  4. Conclusion: Besides the classic pentads, bone lesion, edema and papilloedema should be included into the diagnostic criteria. 结论:除传统的5个临床特征外,骨骼损害、水肿、和视乳头水肿等亦应为该病的临床诊断特征。
  5. Whitish bands composed of medullated nerve fibres radiating out from the optic disc are of no pathological significance and must not be confused with papilloedema. 在视盘周围呈放射状的,由有髓鞘神经纤维所组成的白色条状物,是无病理意义的,不要与乳头水肿相混淆。
  6. Methods 30 cases (16 males and 14 females) of AION at the papilloedema stage were examined and compared with the control group including 16 normal males and 14 normal females. 方法缺血性视乳头病变患者30例(男16例,女14例)与30例可以与之匹配的健康人进行对照(男16例,女14例),进行血液流变学检查及统计学处理。