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2024-01-29 11:37:17
美[pærəˌkliːt]  英[pærəkliːt]
n.  圣灵;说情者;安慰着


  1. 圣灵
  2. 说情者
  3. 圣神
  4. 安慰者
  5. 辩护人
  6. 调解人
  7. 辩护者
  8. 保惠师


  1. the third person in the Trinity; Jesus promised the Apostles that he would send the Holy Spirit after his Crucifixion and Resurrection; it came on Pentecost


  1. Now Exchange the topic to Masked Rider Paraclete Biography. 现正名为幪面超人圣兽战记.
  2. But Mani was the greatest prophet who, as the paraclete, proclaimed a salvation by knowledge (gnosis) consisting of strict ascetic practices. 但是,摩尼是一个最伟大的先知,作为一位辩护者,宣布拯救是通过知识(灵知),由严厉的禁欲修行组成。
  3. Paraclete core board can be board, plywood, horniness beaverboard, plastic board, glass. 辩护人芯板可为木板、胶合板、硬质纤维板、塑料板、玻璃等。
  4. When sessional cognizance, two paraclete of Meng Mou undertook innocent plead for him. 开庭审理时,孟某的两名辩护人为他进行了无罪辩护。
  5. He referred several times to the Paraclete, whom he identified as the Spirit of truth and the Holy Spirit. 耶稣好几次提到保惠师,即是祂所说:真理的灵,和圣灵。
  6. I bless You always and glorify You with Your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, forever and ever. 所以我赞美祢,显扬祢,和祢惟一的 圣子 及安慰人的 圣神 于无穷之世。