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2024-01-29 12:02:17
美[ˌpærədʒenɪsɪs]  英[ˌpærədʒenɪsɪs]
n.  共生
  形容词:paragenetic  异体字:paragenesia


  1. This is a paragenesis, we can get various minerals at one time. 这是座共生矿,我们可以一次获取多种矿石。
  2. The export market the profit to be no doubt very big, but the risk is also with it paragenesis. 出口市场的利润固然很大,但风险也是与之共生的。
  3. Its result is this disappears other rises the paragenesis co-prosperity only to be able to wait. 其结果是此消彼涨还是共生共荣只能拭目以待。
  4. On the above base,the status and function of fluid geochemistry in studying mechanisms of elemental paragenesis and separation are affirmed . 在此基础上,肯定了成矿流体地球化学在元素共生分异机制研究中的地位和作用。
  5. The ore-prospecting marks are determined according to the study on texture,structure,mineralogical composition and paragenesis of ore. 对矿石结构、构造及矿石矿物成分、共生伴生关系等进行研究,明确找矿标志。
  6. This paper gives a good explanation of why high-abundance paragenesis elements in the metallogenic province show no correlation in cluster analysis. 对锑与金、砷共生分异的认识较好地解释了矿化带上成矿特征指示元素在元素聚类分析中不相关的矛盾。