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2024-01-29 12:24:16
美[ˌpærəlæktɪk]  英[ˌpærəlæktɪk]
adj.  视差的


  1. Find some nearby object to judge parallax with. 寻找一个附近物体,以此判断视差是否存在。
  2. Parallax mapping has been a buzzword for years now. 现在,视差贴图是专门术语。
  3. Do not forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction mark. 别忘了让被摄主体保持在视差纠正线之内。
  4. The parallax barrier turns this mishmash into a 3-D image. 视差格栅能让这团混乱变成3D影像。
  5. Thus parallax would be achieved for the simulated surface. 因此视差能在模拟的表面上表现出来。
  6. The image exhibits three-dimensional characteristics, ie, the parallax effect. 物象显现三维特征,也即具有视差效应。