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2024-01-29 14:30:16
美[pɑːrdnər]  英[pɑːdnə(r)]
n.  <方>搭档; 朋友


  1. an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest;

    "the musician and the librettist were collaborators" "sexual partners"


  1. You parking your horse in Vida Warrens closet, pardner? |你把你的马留在维达的库房,对吧?
  2. "Come off the car, pardner," said one of the men in a voice meant to be conciliatory. “下车吧,伙计,”其中一个人用一种息事宁人的口气说。
  3. "Listen, pardner," said the leader, ignoring the policeman and addressing Hurstwood. “听着,伙计,”这位领头的人不理睬警察,对赫斯渥说。
  4. Howdy Pardner, would ya like to join us in a game Hold em poker, Texas style, where the bets are big and the winnings even bigger. 在这款扑克游戏中,赌注和盈利都很大,那麽还等什麽呢?赶快下注吧!
  5. Weed Control Effect on Spring Wheat Field to Use Pardner 22.5% EC 5%25伴地农乳油防除春小麦田杂草效果
  6. " "Listen, pardner," said the leader, ignoring the policeman and addressing Hurstwood. “听着,伙计,”这位领头的人不理睬警察,对赫斯渥说。