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2024-01-29 15:50:17
美  英
n.  希腊中部的山;诗人们;诗坛


  1. (Greek mythology) a mountain in central Greece where (according to Greek mythology) the Muses lived; known as the mythological home of music and poetry;

    "Liakoura is the modern name of Mount Parnassus"


  1. In his chosen field Vince Lord could, and probably would scale the Parnassus heights. 在文森特·洛德选定的领域中,他或许,甚至很可能登上帕纳萨斯山。
  2. An excellent Python code tool repository resides at The Vaults of Parnassus XML page. 上有一个出色的Python代码和工具库。
  3. Although the temples have fallen, the rocky crags of Parnassus still tower over Delphi, and cascading waters still rush to the sea. 虽然神庙已经倒塌,但帕纳塞斯山的岩石峭壁仍然矗立在德尔斐城,奔腾不息的河水依然冲向大海。
  4. The Wei and the Jin Dynasties witnessed a new force of philosophers on the Parnassus and thenew force constituted the rivalry to the traditional poets. 魏晋诗坛哲人群体异军突起,形成了与传统诗人群体抗衡的态势。
  5. The most famous oracle resided in the shrine of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. 最著名先知驻所是在希腊古城特尔斐帕那萨斯山上的阿波罗神殿。
  6. Faults, which were well exposed on the uplifted slopes of Mount Parnassus, had cut through bituminous limestone. 在帕纳索斯山的上坡处显露的断层,切过了沥青石灰岩;