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2024-01-29 15:57:16
美[pəroʊl]  英[pərəʊl]
n.  口头陈述;口头言辞;石蜡燃料
adj.  口头的


  1. 【律】口头陈述,口头答辩
  2. 口头言词
  3. 口头证词
  4. 石蜡燃料
  5. 帕罗尔(音译名)
  1. 【律】口头的
  2. 没有盖章的


  1. Echo parol is a lively system widely used in english conversation. 回音言语是英语中的一种富有活力的表达形式之一;
  2. This kind Parol contract Work relations cannot Obtains the acknowledgment. 请译为英语:这种仅以口头合同成立的劳动关系得不到承认.
  3. The parol evidence rule applies to evidence as to what the express terms of a contract are. 口头证据规则适用于确定合同的明示条款的证据。
  4. Ill add a term before the negotiation,I cannt set my heart at rest for the parol contract. 在我们结束谈判之前我想在合同里加一个条款;我对口头约定不放心.
  5. The parol evidence rule only applies to evidence of statements made before or at the time of the execution of the written contract. 口头证据规则仅适应于在书面合同履行之前或履行之时作出的陈述。
  6. The parol evidence rule only prevents a party from relying on extrinsic evidence as to the express terms of a written contract. 口头证据规则仅阻止当事人以外在证据对抗书面合同的明示条款。