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2024-01-29 16:24:16
美[pærɪsaɪdl]  英[pærɪsaɪdl]
adj.  弑父母的;杀长辈的;杀主人


  1. The era in which photography was widely attacked (as parricidal with respect to painting, predatory with respect to people) was a brief one. 和其他稳健发展的行当一样,摄影,使得本行的大腕们,觉得有必要对这一行的性质和价值,一而再,再而三加以阐释。
  2. In a duodenal ulcer, a long post parricidal interval of two to three hours offend exists before pain is apparent and it may then occur immediately before next meal. 十二指肠溃疡患者的疼痛症状,则往往经过餐后两到三小时的较长间歇期,才于下餐饭前出现发作。