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2024-01-29 16:38:16
美  英
n.  帕西发尔(亚瑟王传奇中寻找圣杯的英雄人物)


  1. This section will sketch the structure of a grammar interpreter call PARSIFAL. 这一节将简要叙述一个叫PARSIFAL的语法翻译器的构造。
  2. This section will sketch the structure of a grammar interpreter called PARSIFAL. 这一节将简要叙述一个叫PARSIFAL的语法翻译器的构造。
  3. It is very Wagnerian in style with many influences of Parsifal and also Goetterdaemmerung. 专辑介绍: King Olaf is a long dramatic cantata; written before the great oratorios (The Apostles; THe Kingdom; The Dream of Gerontius).
  4. Among his operas are the four works that make up the Ring of the Nibelungs, Tristan and Isolde, The Mastersingers of Nuremberg, and Parsifal, his last work. 在他的歌剧作品中有一个四联剧,该剧由《尼伯龙根的指环》、《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》、《纽伦堡的名歌手》和他的最后一部作品《帕西伐尔》组成。
  5. Among his operas are the four works that make up the Ring of the Nibelungs,Tristan and Isolde,The Mastersingers of Nuremberg,and Parsifal,his last work. 在他的歌剧作品中有一个四联剧,该剧由《尼伯龙根的指环》、《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》、《纽伦堡的名歌手》和他的最后一部作品《帕西伐尔》组成。
  6. WAGNER: Parsifal: Prelude to Act I 第一幕前奏曲