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2024-01-29 16:55:17
美[ˌpɑːθənəʊdʒənetɪk]  英[ˌpɑːθənəʊdʒənetɪk]
adj.  单性生殖


  1. (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction


  1. Occurring or reproducing without the union of male and female cells; asexual or parthenogenetic. 无性的不经过雄性和雌性细胞结合而产生或繁殖的;无性的或单性生殖的
  2. Effects of cycloheximide (CHX) and cytochalasin B (CB) on the parthenogenetic development of buffalo oocytes were investigated. 系统探讨了放线菌酮(CHX)和细胞松弛素B(CB)对水牛卵母细胞孤雌激活的影响。
  3. Characterized by reproduction involving the alternation of sexual and parthenogenetic generations. 世代交替的以涉及双性与单性生殖交替进行为特征的
  4. No definition of terminologies: parthenogenetic reproduction technique, gene modification technique. 对重要术语没有定义:如单性生殖技术、基因修饰技术等。
  5. Therefore the allo-granular cells mitochondria transfer improved the development of bovine parthenogenetic embryos. 可见牛异体颗粒细胞线粒体移植可改善牛孤雌激活胚的发育。
  6. An immune algorithm based on parthenogenetic operators is proposed for solving the model. 构造出一种基于单亲遗传算子的免疫算法用于求解此模型。