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2024-01-29 17:20:17
美[ˌpɑːtɪsɪpiəl]  英[ˌpɑːtɪsɪpiəl]
adj.  分词的


  1. a non-finite form of the verb; in English it is used adjectivally and to form compound tenses
  1. of or relating to or consisting of participles;

    "participial inflections"


  1. A secondary idea can be subordinated by placing it in a participial phrase. 分词短语可以用来表达句子的次要内容。
  2. Change the attributive clause in the following sentences into participial phrase. 把下列句中的定语从句改为分词短语。
  3. Change the attributive clauses in the following sentences into participial phrase. 把下列句中的定语从句改为分词短语。
  4. The participial constructions are employed much more in Latin than they are in English. 拉丁文较英文有更多使用分词结构的句子。
  5. We can often substitute a participle / participial phrase for an attributive clause. 我们往往用分词短语代替定语从句。
  6. Change the following complex / compound sentence into simple sentences containing participial phrases. 把下列主从/并列复合句改为含有分词短语的简单句。