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2024-01-29 17:54:16
美[pɑːtɪˌgoʊr]  英[pɑːtɪˌgəʊə]
n.  社交聚会常客


  1. someone who is attending a party;

    "the hall was crowded with an overflow of partygoers"


  1. The tabloid quoted a partygoer as saying: "You could tell Michael had smoked before. 该报援引一位社交常客的话说:“可以看出他以前也吸过。
  2. LIKE a thirsty partygoer swigging from two different bottles, big Western brewers are simultaneously pursuing two strategies for growth. 像一个口渴的人在聚会上两手各拿一瓶酒痛饮,西方大的啤酒制造商也会同时制定两套发展战略。
  3. Said a second partygoer, "After Eminem finished his set, he left the stage and was waiting on the sidelines, hoping that the crowd would cheer so that hed have to do an encore. 另一位观众说:“在阿姆演出结束后,他离开舞台在旁边等待着,等待着观众们的欢呼,那样也就可以安可了。
  4. I am a partygoer. 我是个聚会迷。
  5. ” That’s the smiling face of the new year forthe heedless partygoer of a certain age. 2008,是新年的笑脸,是对某个年令段心不在焉的社交聚会常客的笑脸。
  6. The tabloid quoted a partygoer as saying: "You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do." 该报援引一位社交常客的话说:“可以看出他以前也吸过。他手拿水烟枪和打火机,看起来很在行。