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2024-01-29 18:07:17
美[pæskjʊəl]  英[pæskjʊəl]
adj.  牧场的
sp.  长在牧场的.


  1. My favorite restaurant is "Don Pascual". 描述您在镇里喜爱的餐馆。
  2. Pascual said after the hearing in court, said: "I have nothing to do with the incident. 帕斯夸称在法庭开庭后称:”我与这一事件没有任何关系。
  3. Pascual M,Nodo X,Ellner SP,et al.Cholera dynamics and ElNinosouthern oscillation[J].Science,2000,289 (5485):1766. 郑能雄;林云钦;郑高;等.;福州市主要传染病与气象因素关系的研究[J]
  4. Francis G Pascual, Grace Montepiedra, Model-robust test plans with applications in accelerated life testing, Technometrics; Feb2003,Vol45. No.1. 张志华.;加速寿命试验及其统计分析
  5. The defendant in the highest-ranking politician is a 81-year-old former French Interior Minister Pascual, he was charged with the collection of a commission of more than 1,000,000 U.S. dollars. 被告中级别最高的政治家是81岁的法国前内政部长帕斯夸,他被控收取了1百多万美元的好处费。
  6. Carlos Pascual and Kenneth Pollack, of the Brookings Institution, offer a sensible blueprint for a future Iraq stategy that emphasises the importance of containing the spillover from the mess there. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的CarlosPascual和KennethPollack就美国未来的伊拉克战略提供了一个切实可行的计划,它强调(伊拉克问题的复杂性以及)控制区域冲突蔓延以防演化为大国矛盾的重要性。