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2024-01-29 18:33:16
美[pæsəbəl]  英[pæsɪbl]
adj.  易动情的


  1. I know it doesnt sound passible. 我知道这听起来不太可能.
  2. Your suggestion is passible,but maybe costs a lot. 妳的建议是可行的;但也许要付出不少代价.
  3. Kindly excecute the following order as early as passible. 请尽快履行下列定当为盼。
  4. Practice Three-ly and One-breath methods as frequently as passible. 尽量多地使用“三最法”和“一口气训练法”。
  5. Tout le monde travaille ensemble pour avoir une situation passible et tranquille. 多亏这种联盟,人们可以自由往来,选择工作和生活场所。
  6. It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. 起点是作文网寄语:为提高作文水平,交流习作经验;