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2024-01-29 19:10:17
美[pæstərəloʊsɪs]  英[pæstərələʊsɪs]
n.  [兽医]巴斯德(氏)菌病;出血性败血病


  1. an acute infectious disease characterized by pneumonia and blood infection


  1. A number of studies examined the effectiveness of vaccination as a preventive mean against pasteurellosis. 基于预防甚于治疗的前提下,疫苗的使用也就日渐重要。
  2. Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella hemolytyca are causually involved. 巴氏杆菌病是病原涉及多杀性巴氏杆菌或溶血性巴氏杆菌的一种传染
  3. Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella hemolytyca are causally involved. 巴氏杆菌病是病原涉及多杀性巴氏杆菌或溶血性巴氏杆菌的一种传染病。
  4. In the year of 2003,a case of Guinea fowl Pasteurellosis happened on an economic animal farm in Jilin province was reported in this article. 2003年吉林省某经济动物养殖基地饲养的珍珠鸡,发生了以呼吸困难、哮喘、发热等为主要症状的疾病。
  5. Avian pasteurellosis and Avian colibacillosis are frequent primary or sequential bacterial diseases in domestic poultry, which can cause significant threat and economic damage. 禽巴氏杆菌病、禽大肠杆菌病一直是养禽业中常发生的原发或继发性细菌病,对养禽业造成不小的威胁和损失。
  6. These bacteria strains were isolated from pigs, including 19 strains of Escherichia coli, 17 strains of Pasteurellosis Bacillus and 19 strains of Salmonella. 试验菌株为临床分离的猪源致病菌,包括大肠杆菌19株、巴氏杆菌17株和沙门氏菌19株。