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2024-01-29 19:23:17
美[pæstiːs]  英[pæstiːs]
n.  法国茴香酒(一种烈性甜酒)


  1. similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood


  1. Good for her.So, Pastis for lunch? |了不起,午餐喝茴香酒?
  2. That Wednesday (July 9), the cartoon Pastis was found dead. 那周三(7月9日),卡通帕斯蒂斯身亡。
  3. Pastis, however, has said that he is up to ten months ahead of his deadlines. 但是,帕斯蒂斯说自己的工作比交稿日要早10个月。
  4. This brand of pastis has been made in Marseilles, France since the 1930s. 这款茴香甜酒自从1930年出产于法国的马赛,它叫什么名字?
  5. You will be treated to a free glass of pastis if you can get a story published, mischievous residents said. 当地一些"恶搞"居民称,如为摄影师们提供一篇皮特夫妇的逸闻,而且得以发表,就能得到一杯免费的茴香酒。
  6. The continuity of the strip is very loose, and Pastis even says that "sometimes characters get jobs once, and you never hear about it again. 漫画的情节非常的随意,帕斯蒂斯甚至说“有时角色会在一集里有工作,以后却再也不会被再次提起。”