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2024-01-29 20:07:16
美[pətɜːnəlɪst]  英[pətɜːnəlɪst]
n.  实行家长制统治的人;家长主义者


  1. This is not transparence skirt, its just patern on the skirt. 这不是透明的裙子;而是裙子上所印的花样.
  2. Victory comes only when every player possesses the best basic skills,attack paten and defence patern. 只有当每个队员具备了最好的基技术、进攻战术和防守战术,胜利才会来临。
  3. People usually regard Feng You-lans philosophy as a rationalistic patern with new realistic character. 摘要人们通常将冯友兰哲学视为一种具有新实在论特征的理性主义形态。
  4. Victory comes only when every player possesses the best basic skills, attack paten and defence patern. 只有当每个队员具备了最好的基技术、进攻战术和防守战术,胜利才会来临。
  5. US Patern No. 5834806, 1998, “Raised-Bitline, Contactless, Trenched, Flash Memory Cell”, by R.L. Lin, C.H.-H Hsu, M.S. Liang. “极快速拟动态非挥发性快闪记忆体之阵列结构与其执行编码时临界电压自我校正方法”;林瑞霖;徐清祥.
  6. Methods:Type A Behavior Patern Questionnaire(TABPQ)and Social Support Scale(SSS) were administered to 50 patients with VA and 50 normal controls. 方法:采用A型行为问卷和社会支持量表对50例室性心律失常患者进行测试,并与50例健康人对照。